Scan QR Digital Sign In Sheet
created by CIS
Your customers will get in the door with ease by scanning a QR code and submitting a digital sign in sheet!
For just R99 a month, you will no longer need to worry about sterillizing pens, printing forms and keeping the signin sheets on record.
You will also receive detailed daily reports and have all your customers details digitally to be able to inform them of Covid19 updates and specials.
"It takes 5 Seconds for a customer to signin"
Your customers will pull out their phone and point their camera at your auto generated QR poster.
The phone will recognise the QR code in seconds and direct the customer to your own unique branded online digital signin form.
The customer will then complete the signin for themself, family, friend or colleage that is accompanying them.
The user then simply provides a few basic details that would be required in a standard signin sheet.
If the user is an existing user or prefers to signin using facebook then they wont need to type anything.
This digital form will include Full Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address.
User will take a quick, confidential health survey.
User will accept T's & C's to enter the establishment, at their own risk.
They will also agree to receive newsletter to stay up to date with safety and specials.
The user is then granted access and reveils the green tick to a staff member upon entrance.
The users login timestamp and contact information will get email to you at the end of each day.
At the end of the month you can download a CSV file with all user contact information.